Contracts: Problems, Cases, and Materials cover


Problems, Cases, and Materials

by Walter W. Miller, Jr.

Tags: Contracts

Teacher's Manual available

460 pp  $60.00

ISBN 978-0-89089-842-0

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Designed for one-term contracts courses, Contracts: Problems, Cases, and Materials covers a wide range of contractual obligations such as employment, land sale, sale/lease of goods, arbitration, prisoner's rights, advertising, state/municipal government contracts, etc., in a concise, problem-oriented manner. Organized on the basis of real-world legal practice, the book introduces the reader to a problem at the beginning of each section and then provides the reader with the resources to solve the problem as he or she progresses through the section. This method allows the reader to apply principles from cases and materials to solve problems, rather than merely to learn the principles involved in previously adjudicated situations.

Miller begins Contracts: Problems, Cases, and Materials with a discussion of intent and carries this theme throughout the book as he describes contract formation, interpretation and augmentation of contracts, contract enforcement, and third-party involvement. Field-tested for several years, the book enables the reader to thoroughly cover all aspects of the field of contracts.

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