Therapeutic Jurisprudence Applied

Essays on Mental Health Law

by Bruce J. Winick

Tags: Psychology and Law

426 pp  $50.00

ISBN 978-0-89089-989-2

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A sensitive policy analysis of law should seek to measure and weigh all of the costs and benefits of legal rules. This book suggests ways in which mental health law can be reshaped — not only to protect the legal rights of patients, but also to improve their mental health.

"[A] lesson on where and how to focus the therapeutic jurisprudence lens so that the concept generates original and fruitful ideas." — Thomas Grisso, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Department of Psychiatry

"[The chapters] demonstrate that therapeutic jurisprudence provides a remarkable number of new insights into mental disability law… Litigators, scholars, policy makers, and mental disability professionals all owe Professor Winick a tremendous debt for the thoughtful, original, and provocative work that he has done." — Michael L. Perlin, New York Law School

"For novices in the field, it is an exciting view of a difficult corner of the law. For those who have spent their careers in the area, this work is both eye-opening and rejuvenating." — Christopher Slobogin, University of Florida College of Law