Ethnographic Studies in Medical Anthropology

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Medical Anthropology continues to be one of the fastest growing and popular sub-disciplines in Anthropology as a whole, often blending together cultural, biological, and historical approaches and tackling a broad range of both applied and theoretical problems. This Series is designed to make available detailed ethnographic studies that set issues of health and illness into clear contexts of a historical and cultural kind.

Beginning with the Series Editors' book Curing and Healing: Medical Anthropology in Global Perspective (2010, 2nd ed.), the Series has incorporated numbers of well-documented and analyzed ethnographies that contribute significantly to a variety of issues. Such issues include: the relationship between indigenous and introduced practices in the arena of health and illness; demographic, ecological, and historical parameters of change; local domains of biomedical practice; theories of embodiment and gender; gerontology; genetic counseling; and discussions and practices surrounding the topic of euthanasia, as well as patients' responses to biomedical treatments in diverse cross-cultural cases. The Series is open to a wide ambit of ethnographic areas and theoretical concerns and has achieved its aims of providing a forum for high-quality studies in this expanding field.